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Category: Distro News

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Canonical are now saying Ubuntu's 32bit is not being entirely dropped, 32bit libraries will be "frozen"

By Liam Dawe,
As an update to the situation around Canonical planning to drop 32bit support, apparently they're not. Instead, the 32bit libraries will be frozen.

Canonical planning to drop 32bit support with Ubuntu 19.10 onwards

By Liam Dawe,
As you might have heard by now, Canonical has made the decision to drop 32bit support from Ubuntu 19.10 onwards.

Canonical drop the Unity desktop environment for Ubuntu favour of going back to GNOME

By Liam Dawe,
I have been debating writing about this since we are mainly a gaming news site (I should really setup another site for all the other Linux news I want to write about!), but Canonical switching back to GNOME on Ubuntu is very big news for everyone.

Ubuntu Developers Looking To Simplify Getting Latest Nvidia Graphics Drivers

By Liam Dawe,
I had a nice email from Jorge Castro of Canonical today, and it seems they are looking at ways for Ubuntu users to get newer Nvidia graphics drivers in an easier fashion.
Showing 220 to 224 of 224 entries found.